Software Testing and Software Quality Assurance Videos and Tutorials: Unit Testing, Functional Testing, Load Testing, Performance Testing, Test Driven Development

Cover Your Web and Mobile Applications with Integration Tests from Scratch

Using a Web application is easy. Testing it should be easy as well. Arquillian, a revolutionary Java enterprise testing platform—together with its extensions Arquillian Drone and Arquillian Android—enables that. In this tutorial, you will learn how to integrate existing testing frameworks such as JUnit with the Web testing tool Selenium. …

Learn how to Use Selenium with Maven/Ant to Automate Testing of Web Apps

San Francisco Java User Group presents Chris Bedford who talks about: – How to write functional tests with Selenium (including explaining its IDE, architecture, RC, and alternatives like Canoo WebTest) – How to set up Selenium testing for web apps in continuous integration using Maven, Ant, Cargo, etc. – How …

Jason van Zyl on the Future of Maven: Maven 3

Jason recently talked about Maven 3 at the Maven Meetup on March 19, 2009. Here is his entire presentation. In it, Jason discusses plans for Maven 3: support for incremental builds, changes to Plexus, better multi-language support, a queryable lifecycle, changes to the Plugin API, extensible reporting, a refactored plugin …