Software Testing and Software Quality Assurance Videos and Tutorials: Unit Testing, Functional Testing, Load Testing, Performance Testing, Test Driven Development

Automating with Protractor & WebDriver

This presentation shares the good and the bad experience in the journey of building a Test Automation framework for an AngularJS based application. You will learn, by a case study, what thought process we applied on the given context (product, team, skills, capabilities, long term vision) to come up with an appropriate Test Automation Strategy. This Test Automation strategy covered all aspects of Test Automation – Unit, Integration, UI – i.e. End-2-End tests (E2E).

This talk also presents a specific Tech Stack + Tools (Javascript / Jasmine / Protractor / Selenium-WebDriver) to accomplish the Test Automation for the product. Lastly, you will learn the challenges that came up in the implementation of the Test Automation, and how you can overcame them. This will also include how we managed to get the tests running in Jenkins – a Continuous Integration tool. This discussion is applicable to all team members who are working on Test Automation!

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One comment

  1. Victor

    Thanks for posting it, it was actually nice to check other people´s journey using Protractor. One minor issue is that during the video there was not too much talk about Jenkins, so maybe it could be taken away from the description itself.

    I´d rate it as a 7/10

    Keep up the good work!

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