Software Testing and Software Quality Assurance Videos and Tutorials: Unit Testing, Functional Testing, Load Testing, Performance Testing, Test Driven Development

Mockito in a Modular World

Amongst the Mocking Frameworks for Java, Mockito is probably the most popular. And, for good reason: the Mockito development team has combined kick-ass features with a great programming model. Especially for clean coders who practice test driven development, this Library is a hot topic. Many developers agree that Mockito can boost your coding productivity significantly when you know how to use it well.

This live coding session shows how to effectively handle Mockito for testing Java Code within OSGi Bundles. It defines effective to mean that will get to clean test and production code as fast as possible. A prerequisite to this session is familiarity with the concepts underlying mocking.

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Further reading: Mockito: an Open Source Java Mocking Framework